"There is nothing as remarkable as learning how to think better." Anonymous
The word ‘stress’ usually brings with it negative connotations, however some stress can be a good thing. It keeps us alert and warns us of impending danger. Stress enables us to perform at our peak, because all our senses are totally engaged. This starts to become a problem if we find that we are constantly on red alert. An indication that this is happening is when we go for a massage and are told that we have 'bricks' in our shoulders – we often react to stress by automatically tensing our body. Think about some of the expressions we use to describe how we are feeling in stressful situations… 'pain in the neck', 'doing my head in' etc. Said often enough and with enough intensity our bodies internalise those reactions and feelings.
Over time stress builds up and can affect the way we function. Humour, temper, moods, irritability, libido, concentration can all become affected by an excess of stress. This in turn interferes with the quality of our sleep, home life, health and well-being.
Learning to watch out for when we are starting to be adversely affected by stress is a positive step to take. It is a way of looking after ourselves and protecting our quality of life. Hypnotherapy can teach clients about their own personal traffic light signals. The green light is good, it means that everything is in control and is being managed well. The red light is when everything is coming to a standstill, we are not functioning, everything feels too much effort, we may feel unwell, or feel depressed and negative about much in our life.
The amber light is the one to use as important feedback. This is the one to learn to recognise in ourselves as it warns us when we need to start taking better care of ourselves because things are starting to become a problem. Everyone has their own personal amber lights. The warning signal maybe when concentration starts to drift, or sleeping patterns become more restless. It maybe that we lose our sense of humour or our mood becomes more irritable. Learning to recognise your own signals tells us that it is time to take back control and intervene before things start to build up.
Hypnotherapy can be extremely effective for managing stress - by altering our reaction to a particular situation during hypnosis to a more positive one, the feelings about that situation can also become more positive. When we then experience those situations in real life, our reactions will often be very different.
Pick up the phone or email me today to find out how hypnotherapy can help YOU manage stress and relax more easily - Look after yourself, plan your life and take back control and you will keep those lights away from the red zone.